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From Global to Local: Helping the World at Home – Orion Kriegman, Boston Food Forest Coalition

Where is the best place to focus one’s efforts to help humanity? Addressing global policy, or doing hands-on work in one’s community? Today’s guest, Orion Kriegman, has done both. He is living a fascinating life, while helping the world and his local community. He used to work for several years at the Tellus Institute ( analyzing the political, economic and social forces shaping the future of humanity, and what we can do to improve these global trends. Now he is executive director of the Boston Food Forest Coalition (, which helps revitalize urban neighborhoods by reintroducing nature, growing food, fighting climate change and building community. We discuss all that, as well as the state of our agriculture system, ecological design of cities, race, local economics, how to manage our feelings about our struggling world, and more. It’s a reminder that big global efforts get implemented by real people in local communities.



Tellus Institute

Great Transition Initiative


Institute for Policy Studies / Chuck Collins


Boston Food Forest Coalition


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