Help The Cause

There is nothing easy about building a global grassroots movement to keep humanity from destroying itself. And producing a high-quality podcast on a regular basis is not easy either. But this is all entirely doable if enough people pitch in. We hope you will. There are many ways to help.
Spread the Word
To create a worldwide citizen movement to push for global improvements, we need as many people engaged as we can get. That’s why we try to make the podcast and other material accessible to people of all types and all backgrounds. When you find people you’d like to educate about important global issues, telling them about the Human Survival Project is a great way to do it.
Send people to our website.
Link someone to an episode of the Human Survival Podcast.
Share us on your social media.
Talk about the Human Survival Project wherever internet discussions are happening on important issues.
If you host a podcast or YouTube program, Shelby might be a guest on your show. Contact him here...
Donate Time and Skills
If you have skills and a willingness to help, you are welcome here. Ways to help include:
Editing video. Shelby currently edits and produces the podcast/YouTube. With someone else assisting, it would free up Shelby’s time to work more fully on the campaign, and on creating shows more frequently.
Fundraising. This is especially helpful if you have experience applying for foundation grants or pitching to individuals with significant assets.
Translating languages. We would like to translate our website and YouTube videos into multiple languages, to help us reach a global audience. Automated computer translation tools are available, but they are imperfect. Basically, you would review what the computer generates, check for accuracy, and do some minor editing so it sounds like a human. You do not need technology skills for this - just fluency in English and another language.
Organizing online events for people to interact and discuss issues related to our work.
Research. Our work encompasses several issue areas, and there is always more to learn. We have several research questions we have not been able to pursue yet. This could also involve smaller tasks like fact checking or finding good resources to share with listeners of the show. We also want to do a thorough survey of organizations and key individuals that are working on the various issues we care about.
Writing. In particular, we want to start a regular series along the lines of “how would this particular event/issue in the news right now be different if we had a more vigorous United Nations?” You would scout the news media for ideas, and help us write this content.
Compile/create educational material. We want to offer people interested in our work some solid background information about the United Nations that is easy for average people to understand, in text and video. Some of this exists already, and we want to compile it for easy access. But there may be gaps in what is available, and we may create original content ourselves.
Advocacy/Activism. In addition to the particular ideas above, if you have experience in public policy, lobbying, public awareness campaigns, or related work, we would love to talk with you. There’s a very good chance you can help.
Beyond these tasks we’ve mentioned, you may have ideas we haven’t considered yet.
We welcome your thoughts.
We have not yet raised funds to hire staff, but we will. The timeline is still uncertain. If you might be interested in working for us, let us know and we will contact you when that time comes.